Why having your Epibiogenetics Roadmap is critical to your wellness (and thriving)

Ask yourself these questions:

How about these questions:

…and getting to what makes us tick…
What if I had the edge on my friends?
What if I had the edge at work?
What if others said, what’s your secret?
Now you have the secret to thriving, called
What is EpiBiogenetics™?

Epibiogenetics™ is a new field trademarked by iThrive Personal Health, the company who created IQYOU. It’s new because the three critical wellness components have never been integrated into one solution. This solution provides the clues for each individual to thrive based upon their unique set of circumstances.

The focus of Science-based Integrative Functional Medicine:

To address the body’s natural needs for wellness, to reverse symptoms and conditions by targeting underlying causes, through well-researched solutions, to naturally heal, and give the body what it needs to thrive.

IQYOU now converges the focus of IFM, science, technology, and Epibiogenetics™ for the never-before-available, ultimate in personalized wellness. Now biohacking your health has become a reality.

Why this is important to YOU.

We all know that if we eat better, exercise more, sleep more, reduce stress, avoid toxins, and toxic relationships, and have good positive relationships, we’d be healthier, right?

But there are millions of factors working against us all:

…and Each of us act uniquely to every factor.
What’s right for one, is wrong for the next.
IQYOU simplifies the complexities, to give you the best wellness guidance to thrive again
Why biochemistry and DNA is Important
There are millions of reasons (which most of us don’t know about):
One person can’t detox heavy metals
Another can’t absorb fats
Most are deficient in key nutrients, but which one’s?

This could solve the link to fatigue, weight gain, prediabeties risks, sleeping, and 75% of wellness issues.

Learn More
What’s Your Health Blue Print?
What can Premium Do for You?
Get the key to your wellness door.
Become the driver, versus a passive passenger to your health.
Find-out how Premium can help you select the right turns for your unique path.

Harness the Power of Epibiogenetics™

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Your Premium Benefits for living life well

Epibiogenetics™ - Biohacking driven by Science

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you’ll get your complete Epibiogenetics™ picture for the ultimate solutions to thrive again!

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